This organization is located at 199 Crosby Street, Lowell, Massachusetts 01850 and it operates June to October.

It was established in 2005 and operates as a Non-Profit while providing Paid employment opportunities for youth;Food donations to local food pantries/banks to the community.


Products Available At This Location

This Food Hub handles products like Fresh fruits;Fresh vegetables;Coffee/tea;Cut flowers;Eggs;Herbs;Maple products;

Where Products Are distributed

This Food Hub distributes to Restaurants;Pre-K food service;K-12 school food service;Colleges/Universities;Senior care facilities; etc.


Additional Info About World PEAS Food Hub

Source Of Products: Exclusively local

Specific Activities At This Location: Aggregation;Production;Distribution;Packaging/Repackaging;Product storage;

Buying Process: Take ownership of the product;

Additional Location Info: Enter mill building complex where Crosby Street dead ends. Food Hub is located at the very back with a white cooler on the left of drive and warehouse space in building adjacent to concrete loading dock.


You can click here to get the directions to this Food Hub 


Also, remember to check out our curated lists of Farmers Markets near you, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) orgs as well as the list of Agro Tourism Destinations and Farms That Sell Direct To Customers.