Welcome to Local Food Weekly. This is a weekly round up of all the news, events and new developments in the Local food movement that is produced and presented by FarmersMarketsUSA.com for the week of August 3rd 2023.

Here is this week’s round up:

(1) The news out of Kansas City is that there has been an increase in attendance at the Brookside Farmers Market.

(2) Over in Salt Lake City, we are getting news that the local farmers market is now in the peak of the season.

(3) This weekend will see the kickoff of 24th Year of the National Farmers Week. You can download the toolkit at the site of the Farmers Market Coalition website.

(4) There is a great article highlighting how the Hampton Roads community in Virginia is benefiting from its relationship with a local food hub.

(5) The Yasukochi Family Farms is the featured CSA of the week. Here is a very comprehensive feature on their history and operations.

That is all for this week. As usual, we just want to keep thing short and useful. Remember to check out our curated lists of Farmers Markets near youFood Hubs as well as the list of Agro Tourism Destinations and Farms That Sell Direct To Customers.