Harvestly.co is located at 241 Prado Road, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA.

It has been in operation for 2 – 3 years; and operates Year-round.  All the products are Organic (USDA Certified);Non-Certified, but Practicing Organic;No antibiotics;Non-GMO;No hormones;No pesticides;Grass Fed;Pasture-raised/free-range animals;Humane treatment of animals;Fair labor practices, living wage, fair trade, etc.; and are supplied by 230 farms. 

The CSA is made up of 2 share(s) and, if you want to participate you can do so by getting Order what you want;.

Here are some more key things to note about Harvestly.co:

What items are in each box that is delivered?

The Customers order specific items in advance of each delivery;

How do users pay?

One advance payment prior to the beginning of the delivery season;Payments in installments over the course of each delivery season;Reduced subscription/membership fees in exchange for labor;Reduced subscription/membership fees based on household income;

What kind of payments are accepted?

Debit card/Credit card;

How do members get the boxes? 

Deliver directly to customer’s homes;Deliver to customers’ workplaces;Customers pick up from CSA farm;

What kind of products does this CSA put in its boxes?

This CSA sources, packages and delivers the following products Apples;Apricots;Avocados;Blackberries, raspberries;Blueberries;Cantaloupes;Cherries (sweet, tart, etc.);Cranberries;Currants;Dates;Figs;Gooseberries;Grapefruit (red, white, etc.);Lemons, limes;Oranges, clementine, mandarins, tangerines, tangelos;Strawberries;Watermelons;;Artichoke;Arugula;Asparagus;Beans (string);Beans, other (lima, etc.);Beets;Bok Choy;Broccoli;Broccolini/baby broccoli;Brussels sprouts;Cabbage;Carrots;Cauliflower;Celery;Collard Greens;Corn (sweet);Cucumbers;Garlic;Kale;Lettuce (head, leaf, etc.);Peas;Peppers, hot;Peppers, sweet;Potatoes (new, red, russet, etc.);Spinach: baby, regular;Sweet potatoes;;Baked goods: breads, pies, etc.;Canned or preserved fruits/vegetables: jams, jellies, preserves, salsas, pickles, dried fruit, etc.;Coffee and/or tea;Cut flowers;Dairy products: milk, cheese, etc.;Dry beans;Eggs;Lobster;Oysters;Salmon;Shrimp/prawns;Trout;Tuna;;Fresh and/or dried herbs;Grains and/or flour;Honey;Juices and/or non-alcoholic ciders;Maple syrup and/or maple products;Mushrooms;Nuts;Pet food;Chicken;Quail;;Beef/veal (ground);Beef/veal (sausage);Beef/veal (steaks, roasts);Lamb (chops, roasts);Pork (bacon);Pork (chops, roasts);;Soap and/or body care products;Tofu and/or non-animal protein;Wild harvested forest products: mushrooms, medicinal herbs, edible fruits and nuts, etc.;Wine, spirits, beer, hard cider;.


Also, remember to check out our curated lists of Farmers Markets near you, Food Hubs as well as the list of Agro Tourism Destinations and Farms That Sell Direct To Customers.